Sunday, March 27, 2011


Dang bae, is it really like that
why are you doing this to me?
your always on my mind
I dont even know what to think anymore
I love you i really do
but im going crazy
I dont know who your with
what you are doing
I can only think of the what if's
and why am I trippin
Baby i feel like im losing my mind
some times i feel like you dont care inside
I see the good, and i see the sweet
but i can see you putting a wall up
in front of me
bae im going crazy inside
i dont know what to do anymore
why are you doing this to me?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Never Again

You must think i am crazy
But let me tell you i am
You must think we are changing
WRONG! Please try again
The things that i have tried to do were
All only for you, the stress that i put up with
Every single day, I dealt with because I really wanted
To try to make things work
Living together in one house hold
Never Again.
Being together even when things have gone from good to worse
Never Again.
I will never let another human being control so much of my mind
And everyone at the church tries to force us to be
Something that we aren't
I dont believe  that we are meant to be
Because your views differ from my
And to let you consistently talk about the people
That i love the most
Never Again will my sun shine before it rains
Because from this point on all i am looking for
In my skies are sunny days
Where the day is filled with beautiful flowers
And my heart skips a beat everytime
Where i can find someone that im and love with
And we not argue all the time
I want to be able to just know this is right
Instead feeling that everything is wrong
I would like to love for once in my life without
Getting my heart broken in return
I love My God and he knows it
So what you say doesn't count
All our views are so different should have been a
Warning sign a long time ago.
So never again will we be anything more
Then justs friends.
I cant continue to deal with the hurt and i
Know that you can't too.
This is the end of our story and it ends with a
Beautiful son, he will grow up knowing
That mommy and daddy loves him so much
Even though we aren't together i believe we can
Still manage to be friends
I can see you shaking your head right now cause
I know that you will read this soon
So never again will I try to make someone happy
While i am not except my son
Time to put me first and do whats best for me
Cause like you said it is time to grow up.
So this here is true and my last and final words
about all that we once had
All that i can really think of to say
To it all
But that doesnot me that i love you any less!

Friday, January 21, 2011


I am so confused 
I just want to scream out to the world
But i really just want to go to a happy place
Some where that i can stop in think
being myself with all the stress
i realized why i live in two different worlds
i live in the real world because i have to
and a live in a fantasy world when i want to get away
I no longer know what i want
i no longer can feel my heart...........
Numb from the thought of hurting you
but also from the fact that im hurting myself
is this what i really want
No wait
I though age was just a number
My head is spinning and my mind is blur
my heart is pounding
and my words are slur
i know what to say but the words wont come out
My life feels like a horrible mess right now
like a dream that i want to wake up from
i want to go back to the new world that i made for myself
where there is no hurt
no pain and no choices to make
where i can just be free and live my life
with no consequences and make no sacrifices
I cant go i have a son
I have school
I have a dream to achieve
Thoughts racing through my head
All of this agony
All i need is time 
Time is the key
but i cant find time because the clock is all ways ticking
Tick Tock
the sound makes my head burst
makes my heart want to leap out
and makes things no better or worse
please give me a helping hand 
If time is the key
Maybe i just need a friend
to give me advice
to lend me a shoulder
when i need to cry
to tell me its ok and that everything will be fine
i just need some sleep
so just close your eyes
I just need time
but time is not my friend
guess what 
my time just ran out