Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Why is it that i tend to close up when we talk
or that i get depressed way to quick
Why do i let my emotions get the best of me
or why do i have to be so sensitive
Why do i look at guys all the time
because every time i see on i seem to look everytime
Why cant i just let go and let God
or why is it so hard to believe in myself
What is in store for me and why cant i see it
Why do i have these gifts but no longer use them
Why do you love me and why do you care
Why do i make things harder then they have to be
and what can i do to make things easier for me
Sometimes at night i make a wish upon a star
because that way its easier to let my feelings go
Why do i daydream about stuff i know wont come true
or live in a fantasy world that will never be real
Why am i who i am and not who you want me to be
Because i am my own individual and guess what

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